Piano Knuckles Repair
Piano knuckles: These are round buck skin circles which are glued to the underside of the hammer and rest on top of the repetition lever and jack. I was called upon by a customer to try and find out why … Continued
Piano knuckles: These are round buck skin circles which are glued to the underside of the hammer and rest on top of the repetition lever and jack. I was called upon by a customer to try and find out why … Continued
Broken piano parts are hard to see from the owners point of view: The action is hidden behind the music shelf and lid. All the owner knows is that their key is not working or the sound wont stop ringing. … Continued
Piano Key Leveling is important and is the foundation to a good regulation. Do your keys look like this? If the piano keys are not level than there is no way to get consistency from key to key when playing … Continued